Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Project 9 - Pre Work

merve ozaslan.
by: Hannah Hoch
Creative photo combinations. Swipe 1 to 8 and comment your favorite....💭 By @shusaku1977 . Follow @artinstic for more ❤

Surrealism is a dream land like things that can't really happen such as people flying or banana shoes.

Artist Jim Warren's surreal paintings for his ongoing series titled Ripping portrays children and disembodied adult hands ripping through the canvas into a whole new world of artistic imagination.
By; Jim Warren

Artwork by Yuni Yoshida @yuni_yoshida #culturainquieta
by: Yuni Yoshida

Monday, March 4, 2019

project 6.5 - Community Impact Project

We Shot at Pioneer Square.We took the photos the way we did because the square had a lot of detail that we wanted to get so we decided to get the most detailed spots. I was okay with whatever Janell wanted but I knew that we should get Nordstrom in because thats a place that known around there. I really also wanted to put in some of the detail of the ground because it has some names and such  that I thought was interesting so I asked if we could put that in.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Project 8 - Pre work

Wet Plate Collodion

  • It was invented by F. Scott Archer  in 1848 and published in 1851. wet plate process also know as Collodion Process is an technique where you add  Soluble iodide to get a solution of Collodion and then you put the solution on a glass plate. After exposure, the plate is immediately developed in a solution of pyrogallic and acetic acids

Image result for Wet Plate collodion
By Matthew Larkins
Image result for Wet Plate collodion
By Daniel Sammans
Image result for Wet Plate collodion
by Boogie 


Cyanotype is a process that produces a Cyan blue print. It uses 2 chemicals erric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide.
Image result for cyanotype
By Anna Atkins 

Monday, January 28, 2019

Reflection of 1st semester.

My Favorite project this semester was going to the farmers market because their are lots of colors that are very gorgeous. You turn a fruit that is very plan into something that is really amazing looking. Im really looking forward to be able to use my camera more and learn how to make photos look really nice that I might be able to sell them and get money for things that I would need.